Words With Friends Review: A Scrabble App for Android and iOS

There’s a lot of us out there that enjoy a good game of scrabble. Unfortunately most of the free time we get on weekends is spent getting ceremoniously and incoherently drunk. Besides, scrabble isn’t really the best way to pick up chicks….
Which is why i was really pleased to see a full-fledged scrabble app for Android that’s free. Read on to see if you should consider it.

words with friends

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Temple Run 2 Review

Aah.. Temple Run… The game that always wins… It’s like taxes, or your wife… You try running from them ever so much, but in the end they always catch up with you. And yet the little masochist in you keeps coming back for more.

temple run header

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Internet/APN Settings for Android Phones

So… You’ve bought yourself an Android phone. You’ve spent at least ten grand on a little piece of technology and you can’t wait to start using it. You put your Sim card in, charge her up and decide to check your mail. But for some very annoying reason, your very expensive phone just won’t connect to the Internet. Do you read on and learn how to solve this little issue? Or do you now own a very expensive paperweight?? Decisions decisions…..

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